Francisco Zarazaga Apps

La Costa De Los Atunes 1.0.8
This app contains all the relevant touristinformation about the geographic area of the Costa de Cádizcovering: Tarifa, Valdevaqueros, Bologna, Zahara, Zahara, Barbate,Vejer, Canos de Meca and Conil de la Frontera.All places of scenic and cultural attractions are referenced alongwith all points of gastronomic interest, police, pharmacies,veterinary, shops, hospitals, gas stations, etc, etc, etc ....It also incorporates all the phone numbers of hotels,restaurants and other places of interest and you can make callsdirectly from your device. It will also show the websites of theseplaces, to get further information.And of course, everything is guided in the maps. Automatic linksto google maps indicate you how to get to those places, how longdoes it take, etc ...
Senderos de los Atunes 1.0.8
Tras visitar una página web de turismo delaDiputación de Cadiz, surgió la idea de seleccionar e incorporaraesta aplicación un conjunto de senderos que pertenecen a la zonadeLa Costa de los Atunes.A dicho conjunto de senderos hemos añadido nuestras propiasrutasy hemos considerado oportuno incorporar una serie de"paseosurbanos" para guiar a quienes visitan por primera vez lasciudadesde Conil de la Frontera, Vejer de la Frontera, Barbate,Zahara delos Atunes o Tarifa.Hemos trazado sobre los mapas las diferentes rutas, así comolospuntos mas interesantes del camino, con la confianza de queesteapp sirva para animar a todos quienes se sientan capaces,arecorrer a pie, este paraíso al que llamamos La Costa delosAtunes.After visiting a sitetourof the Delegation of Cadiz, came the idea of ​​selectingandincorporating this application a set of paths belonging to theLaCosta de los Atunes.To this set of paths we have added our own routes and haveseenfit to incorporate a number of "urban walks" to guide visitorsforthe first time the cities of Conil de la Frontera, Vejer delaFrontera, Barbate, Zahara or Rate.We have drawn on maps of the different routes and themostinteresting points of the road with confidence that this appservesto encourage all those this paradise we call the Coast Tunafeelable to travel on foot, .